Group Runs

Our group runs are fun, sometimes intense, and always full of camaraderie. Group runs are on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with track workouts on Tuesday evenings. Expect anywhere from a dozen to more than 25 people at each workout.

On Saturdays we run trails in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, starting at 8:00 a.m. from Lock 29 in Peninsula. This run usually last about 2 hours and covers about 12 miles. We take a different route every week, and some of us then go to Hudson for a late breakfast.

On Sundays we run on the roads in Solon, again at 8:00, starting at the parking lot in front of D&R Bagels (33567 Aurora Road). The standard loop, which the club has run for decades, is 11.5 miles, but there are other loops from 5 to 20 miles and beyond. Pick your own pace and you are likely to find someone to run with. These are great long runs for marathon training or base building, at conversational pace. They happen rain, snow, sleet or shine, every Sunday of the year. Most of us linger for breakfast at D&R.

8 Mile Loop  *  12 Mile Loop * 15 Mile Loop (Mapping in progress, more to come)

We get together on other occasions, some regular and some spontaneous. On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve we run 13-mile challenging out and back road courses in Bedford Reservation, followed by brunch at a member’s house. We have a banquet in March, traditionally at a Little Italy restaurant, where we confer awards on the male and female Runner of the Year. We have an annual post-Cleveland Marathon party, again at a member’s house. And from time to time we take running trips to places like the Grand Canyon (for the Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim run), Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah, and even Death Valley.